Today's tip: Communicate
We are constantly communicating with our horse. We catch him, groom him, tack him up and go riding. When is the communicating going on? The ENTIRE time. And guess what? When you aren't preparing for a ride you are still communicating with the horse.
You go out to feed, to clean stalls, etc....Every time you come into contact with him, you are communicating with him. Try to take the time and notice what you are saying. This includes verbally, with your thoughts and intentions and physically. Horses are sensitive, they can feel your thoughts and emotions. They stay alive by reading body language, so really pay attention to how you use your body. When you are cleaning the barn and your horse is in the way, do you automatically walk around him? The one who directs the horses feet and gets them moving is the leader.So, if you are moving around him, then in his mind, he out ranks you in his herd.
You DO NOT want that!
It is very important that you are able to have your horse move front,back,left and right without moving your feet. The more this is practiced, the more respect he will have for you. Do you ever watch horses together in a field? The leader of my herd of 3 will often move the others for what seems like no apparent reason. So, sometimes I will go out and move him, just because I can. This really keeps him sharp, and in check. You might be saying to yourself, "But my horse does not seem disrespectful." That may be. Some horses are conditioned in a way that these things do not SEEM to affect their behavior. Usually, over time, something will come up, and the issue can be traced back to lack of respect due to improper body language. For more on body language, see my post for tip B.
If you are located in Northern VA, I am conducting a demonstration using some of these techniques. Visit http://www.meetup.com/trailriders/