Friday, April 16, 2010
Understanding the Subtleties
What many folks fail to appreciate is, the technique can only take you so far, you need to have the understanding and balance to use it correctly. That balance and understanding is what Parelli means when they refer to "Savvy", knowing when to be, where to be, how to be - knowing WHEN to do things and knowing when to STOP doing things.
I apologize for not remembering who wrote it, but it is PERFECT!
This often comes up for me while working with owners. They watch me working with their horse and I do explain to them what I am doing. However there is definitely a certain amount of knowing (especially) regarding timing of releases, amount of pressure etc... that just cannot be explained. I am very intuitive, which helps for sure, but sometimes I have difficulty articulating because of this 'knowing' or 'Savvy' and intuition, or a combination of them.
I see owners becoming frustrated because they do not achieve the same results as I do after working with me for only a few sessions, sometimes even just one or two. It takes time, patience, practice and more time, patience and practice!
the natural horseman
clear communication/visible results