September Book-Horses Never Lie, Mark Rashid
Last month I focused on Sally Swift and Centered Riding. Several purchased the book and are benefiting from Ms. Swift's knowledge.
This month I am spotlighting a trainer, Mark Rashid.
Mr. Rashid is a talented and gifted writer. You will enjoy any and all of his books.
It is important to remember that as aspiring horsemen and women it is our responsibility to understand the horse in every capacity. Everything we do with the horse we are either teaching him, reinforcing what we've taught him, or unteaching him. Every single moment is a training moment. So even if you do not desire to become a horse trainer, it will benefit you as a rider and a horse person to understand horse training. If you ever desire to become a horse owner it is a MUST. That is one of the biggest mistakes horse owners make-not knowing enough about training. Every owner is also a trainer simply by default.