Housekeeping Review
Please review the Policies and Procedures. Some previously unenforced policies are now being enforced. It is your job to know the policies and barn rules. I have hard copies, and you can find them on my blog and website also.
· Payment is due at the time of the lesson or in advance. · There is a $30 fee for returned checks. · There is a $5 late fee applied weekly to unpaid lessons. · Lessons must be canceled within 48 hours of the lesson. · Lessons canceled by students in less than 48 hours are subject to regular fees. I will do my best in filling the opening, however if it cannot be filled you are responsible for payment. · If you do not show up for a scheduled lesson the full price of the lesson is due. · Lessons are held unless the calendar shows it has been canceled. DO NOT assume lessons are not on, for any reason. ALWAYS check the calendar. Please do not email asking about your lesson for that day. CHECK THE CALENDAR. · Refunds for prepaid lessons are NOT given. · When at Frying Pan, you must check in with the office and pay their fee directly to them for use of the indoor arena. · If you are 15 or more minutes late for your lesson you will have a ground work lesson. · A 12 week session must be completed within 15 weeks. Makeup classes for each level are available weekly. · Please provide written notice of extended absences. · If you email me on a Sat. or Sun. I will NOT see it until Monday. · Students may not cancel lessons because of weather. I will make that decision. MOST of the time I have different weather here. In the case of snow, of course I take into consideration where you are coming from. · I have a waiting list for weekend lessons. PLEASE cancel within 48 hours of your time so I can fill the opening. If I cannot fill it, you WILL be charged. - If you are late to class, your session still ends at its original end time. For example: your lesson begins at 4pm. You arrive at 4:10 and are ready to begin at 4:15pm. Your lesson STILL ends at 5pm. I have less than 12 minutes time between lessons on weekends. With 9 students on Saturdays AND Sundays it is not fair to the others to push everything back because of tardiness. I realize there is traffic, etc...but please do your best to leave in time for the expected DC area traffic jams.
Please understand that as my business has grown, so has my list of policies, procedures and barn rules. Things are much different when dealing with 40+ students and families each week as opposed to a handful of them. In order for things to run smoothly and to give my students the best learning experience I require everyone to follow these procedures.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.