1st Annual Great Falls Horse Show at Turner Farm
925 Springvale Road, Great Falls, Va 22066
Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 8 am
VHSA Associate Show
Judges – Lisa Hammerschmidt – Ring I
Karen Washburn – Ring II
Show Manager/Course Designer: Mychelle DeWoolfson
Day of Show Telephone Number – 703-338-7369
Before Show Information - mychelledewoolfson@yahoo.com
Directions: Turner Farm is located at the intersection of
Georgetown Pike (Route 193) and Springvale Road (Route
674) in Great Falls, Virginia. The park entrance is on
Springvale Road.
Sponsored by The Saddlery, Inc, Great Falls, Va
Refreshments on the grounds by Le Grand AppetitRing I
1-Working Hunter on the flat
2-Working Hunter over fences-2’6”, 2’9”
3-Working Hunter over fences-2’6”, 2’9”
4-Green Horse on the flat (1st or 2nd year)
5-Green Horse over fences-2’3”, 2’6”
6-Green Horse over fences-2’3”, 2’6”
7-VHSA Junior/Adult Medal -2’6”
8-Junior/Amateurs on the flat- 2’6”, 2’9”
9-Junior/Amateurs over fences - 2’6”, 2’9”
10-Junior/Amateurs over fences- 2’6” - 2’9”
11-Pleasure Walk Trot: Apollo
12-Pleasure Walk Trot Canter: Apollo
13-Pleasure over fences – 2 - 2’ fences
14-VHSA Pony Medal, S/M - 2’, L - 2’6”
15-Pony Hunter on the flat : Apollo
16-Pony Hunter over fences, S/M - 2’, L - 2’6”
17-Pony Hunter over fences, S/M - 2’, L - 2’6”
18-Green Pony on the flat (1st year): Astro
19-Green Pony over fences, S/M - 2’, L - 2’6”
20-Green Pony over fences, S/M - 2’, L - 2’6”
21-VHSA Short Stirrup Equitation on the flat: Apollo
22-VHSA Short Stirrup over fences, 2’
23-VHSA Short Stirrup over fences, 2’
This show is a fundraiser for Turner Farm Park,
and the proceeds will go to the Fairfax County
Park Authority to maintain and enhance Turner
Farm Park.
Ring II
24-Lead Line 100% equitation (10 and under):Piero
25-Lead Line 100% pony: Piero
26-Lead Line 50% equitation and pony: Piero
27-Pre-Short Stirrup W,T (12 and under): Piero
28-Pre-Short Stirrup W,T individual canter
29-Pre-Short Stirrup over fences, 4 fences/18”
30-Long Stirrup on the flat (all ages): Apollo if not in other ring
31-Long Stirrup over fences, 4 fences/18”
32-Long Stirrup over fences/4 fences/18”
All day schooling in Ring II as soon as Long Stirrup
is completed. California Warm-up available all day."
Plants provided by American Plants on Georgetown
Pike, please patronize them!
Stoneridge Farm
Rules and Regulations
Office Fee: A $10.00 Office Fee will be charged per horse/pony.
Class Specifications: Every class offered herein, covered by the rules and
regulations of the current VHSA Rule Book, will be conducted and judged
accordingly. The Judge’s decisions are always final.
Entry Fees: $15.00 per class, including California Warm-up. VHSA Medal Class
$25/class. Best Child Rider, $5.00.
Schooling: Schooling will be permitted only in designated schooling areas.
Schooling available from 6:00 am to 7:30 am prior to the show.
Coggins Test: All exhibitors must present a Negative Coggins Test report taken
within one year on each animal exhibited.
Awards: Six ribbons per class. Champion and Reserve in Working Hunter, Green
Horse, Junior/Amateurs , Pleasure, Pony Hunters, Green Pony Hunters, Lead
Line, Pre-Short Stirrup, and Long Stirrup. Points scored 5,3,2,1 for VHSA
Associate award programs.
Responsibilities: Mychelle DeWoolfson, Turner Farm Park and Fairfax County
Park Service, their officials and employees will not be responsible for any
accident, or loss, which may occur to any exhibitor, spectator, rider, guest,
groom attendant, or other employee, animal or equipment at the show. The show
reserves the right to decline or accept any entry and return any entry fees
before or during the show without being liable for compensation; to change the
location, combine, cancel, split or limit any classes; or change any officials.
Dogs: All Dogs must be on leashes while on the showgrounds.
VHSA Division Specifications
Open only to regular members of the VHSA. Riders to compete over a regulation
equitation course at approximate heights: 3’ for Children’s, Adult Amateur and
Large Pony, 2’6”, Medium pony, 2’3”, Small pony, 2’. At least ¼ to return for the flat.
Short Stirrup Hunter: Open to horses and ponies ridden by children 12 years and
under. Neither riders nor mounts may cross enter into any division where they
would jump higher than 18”. Jumps 18”. May trot or canter over fences. Riders
limited to not more than 2 mounts in the division.
All Hunter classes to be judged on performance and soundness, with emphasis on
manners and suitability in Pony, Children’s and Adult Amateur. Over fences not to jog.
All equitation classes to be judged on hands, seat, guidance and control.
For membership and Horse Recording forms and information for these
Associations, see the Show Secretary.
Loretta the natural horseman clear communication/visible results