Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Use hands last

Amplify’d from downunderhorsemanship.com

Training Tip of the Week:

Sit before you pull.

Monday October 10, 2011

Anytime you want your horse to come to a stop, you should sit down deep in the saddle and relax. It’s what I call, "Sit before you pull." For example, if you’re trotting and want the horse to walk, you should post to the trot and then sit two or three strides before asking him to stop. If you sit before you pull you’re giving the horse a pre-signal of what is going to happen. With repetition, he’ll start reading your body language and realize when you sit down and relax, he should come down to a stop even before you pick up on the rein and flex him.
Read more at downunderhorsemanship.com