20/20 Horsemanship Show Team News
Feb. 2012
Dear Loretta,
Happy New Year! Since you are receiving this email you either attended the December show with us, are planning on attending the March show, or have expressed an interest in the Show Team.
Please read thoroughly as there is a lot of important information regarding requirements and dates, etc...
Showing is fun and is a great learning experience, combined with hard work-which makes it all worth it!
Loretta Arey
20/20 Horsemanship
Upcoming Show Dates
Sat., March 10, 2012 Hunter Show @ Frying Pan
Sun., March 11, 2012 Jumper show @ Frying Pan
Sat., April 14, 2012 Hunter Show @Frying Pan
Sun., May 20, 2012 Hunter Show @ Turner Farm in Great Falls
What Parents Need to Know
How to be a great horse show parent
- Ensure that your student has all of her clothes ready and out the night before.
- Practice the braids so you do not get frustrated with them on show day.
- Your child will need: A Show Coat, A dress/show shirt, TAN breeches with KNEE patches, if 12 or under she will need garters, BROWN boots, two braids going down the back of the head tied with our ribbons. If over 13 she will need TALL black field boots and a hair net.
- All riders need black gloves, a black belt and a velvet helmet or helmet cover.
- Find a place to sit on the bleachers, get a coffee and relax.
- If you have never done this before you may have a lot of questions on show day. PLEASE remember them, write them down if you like, but wait until AFTER the show to ask them. Liz and I are are extremely busy with the kids and ponies on the show day. We want you to be informed, but we can only think about so many things at once. We want our students to have our focus and attention.
- Your child's classes are finished quickly Yes, there is a lot of prep work that goes into a 10 minute round! That's just the way horse shows are.
- I will PRE register you. One show day you must:
- Go to office and give them your student's name. Sign the entry blank and pay the fee for her classes. If she does not already have a number you will be given one for her. Bring it to her and help her tie it on.
- Encourage your student and let her know how proud you are of her even if she does not win any ribbon. These shows are VERY competitive.