Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Booking System

I am so excited with the progress we are making with the new Bookeo system! As of right now, you can register and pay the deposit for ANY week of camp from the home page of the main website:

Here are some things current customers can and should do with the system:

  • When you click on the calendar tab and you see the main booking page, look at the top left and you will see it says, exisiting customer? then in the right corner is says sign in here. You are then prompted for your email which is your username and your password. 
  •  You are then brought to a page that says Hi Name! You will see different categories: Your bookings, prepaid packages, your profile, prepaid credits, new bookings and sign out. To review lessons you would go to your bookings. To cancel a lesson you would also go there. Just find the date, click on it and chose delete. If you have multiple lessons scheduled on the same day and time it will ask if you want just that one deleted or all of them. 
  •  Prepaid packages allows you to purchase the 4,8 and 12 sets of lessons. Prices reflected are as of April 1. It does cost more to run payments through paypal and credit cards, in addition to the expense of the system.  We will be talking to each of you about this personally.
  •  Please read through each package because beginning April 1 I will be enforcing the policy of so many prepaid lessons must be taken in a certain amount of time.  This helps ensure your progress. A student cannot possibly learn when they purchase 12 lessons and 52 weeks have gone by and they are not used yet. 
  • There are TONS of NEW perks for prepaying 4, 8 or 12 lessons! I will list just a couple here: Each earns a certain number of 90 minute lessons. 
  •  Each earns 'credits' which - like a punchcard - can be accumulated and used for different things, such as a free lesson, 20/20 shirt, cap or jacket. 
Please make sure you receive my emails, follow the blog and you tube channel.  If you allow it, please have your children go through some of the you tube videos.  I will be creating how tos in the future so stayed tuned in!