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20/20 Horsemanship Newsletter Openings & Availablility |
Dear Loretta,
If you are a current student, adding an additional lesson to the week is a great way to advance your abilities. If you are new and haven't found a spot, please see below if an available day/time will work for you.
 The best way to stay in touch and to know if lessons are canceled for weather, please follow my blog and/or my facebook page. I update my calendar which is linked to my blog and my website:
20/20 Horsemanship
If you subscribe or follow you receive updates. I also post up to date announcements on facebook regularly.
Loretta Arey
20/20 Horsemanship |
Available Openings
And one time availablity
Mon. 10/18 @10am
Fri. 10/22 @ 3:30pm
Sat. 10/23 @4:30pm ONE TIME ONLY
Sun. 10/24 @5:15pm ONE TIME ONLY
Mon. 10/25 @2:45pm EVERY OTHER WEEK
Tues. 10/26 @3pm 4 WEEKS ONLY . |
Reminders..... If your hair is long enough to pull back, please, please wear a pony tail. Long hair is getting in the way and can create a hazard if you get hair in your face while riding.
Please refrain from wearing earings while at your lesson. If you forget we can leave them in the tack room. Very small studs are OK. Larger hoops and wires can get caught, and in the case of a fall can rip your ear.
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Loretta the natural horseman clear communication/visible results