Riding Gear is necessary Boots and breeches PLEASE! Riding gear is made to be worn while riding and around horses simply because it is best. You get the most feel of your horse and it also allows you to move more freely. Some of my adult students recently switched to breeches and are amazed at the difference it provides.
Riding boots are the BEST boot for riding. Hikers are really to 'thick' and clunky. Often the toe will not fit in the stirrup properly because they are too wide. They also do not allow for the feel that your foot needs. Boots sold at non-saddlery type stores are typically not meant to be a functional riding boot. Often the bottoms are too smooth or too rubbery, creating a hazard for the foot
Remember my tack swap! I am collecting boots and breeches that students have outgrown. When you need a pair, check my stash and when you outgrow a pair turn them in! It is a great way to save a few dollars and recycle at the same time.