Monday, July 7, 2014

Maximize YOUR lesson


Help your students get to most out of your lessons
by Jan Dawson

To the Student 
Assuming you have chosen your instructor wisely, interviewed various instructors, checked references with former students and with current students, even taken a trial lesson or two; now it is time to consider how to get the most benefit from your riding lessons.
It is important that you be a physically comfortable as possible. Clothing should be appropriate to the discipline, Western or English and should include an ASTM/SEI approved helmet, hard soled boots or lace-up shoes with at least a half inch heel, riding pants or jeans, if the latter, snug ones with some stretch are best, gloves, and a riding shirt that tucks in. Outer clothing should not flap or be so long as to catch on the back of the saddle. Clothing made specifically for riding will either be waist-length or have slits to allow for the saddle. Above all, IT MUST BE COMFORTABLE because if it isn't you will be miserable and will sit and move To accommodate your clothing..
You should be in a positive frame of mind and be prepared to learn. There is no reason to feel embarrassed because of perceived inadequacies. After all, if you knew all the information already, you would not be taking the lessons. You should be ready to start from the beginning without being offended because only then can the instructor know exactly where you are and what your individual strengths and weaknesses are. Experience with horses does not necessarily mean you have mastered all the skills that your chosen instructor deems necessary. While you need to be alert and prepared to learn you should still be relaxed. You are doing this because you enjoy it and have made the decision to learn more and improve your skills.
Most students take lessons once a week. More lessons will probably allow you to progress more quickly especially if you are using a "school horse." However, more lessons per week are more expensive. A once a week schedule requires that you only miss your lesson when absolutely necessary. Missing lessons is a principal cause of problems for many adult riders. Everyone is busy and there are many demands on time what with work and parenting responsibilities. Be sure to schedule your lessons at your most convenient time and if you foresee problems check on the instructor's make-up policy. When the student is a young person, it is up to the parent to prevent over scheduling.
Riding is an athletic discipline and is such is more easily learned by the young. If you are not a child you will find it helpful to do some stretching before each lesson. Stretches that emphasize the legs, inner and outer thighs, front of thighs, buttocks and back. Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regime. Your instructor should begin each lesson with some appropriate stretches but you will still benefit by doing some on your own before you mount up.
When in class, be attentive and if you do not understand something ask that it be explained further. Children spend many hours a day in school and are accustomed to being taught. Adults have often forgotten how to be students. They have also forgotten how to make a mistake since they usually arrange things so they stay out of areas of doubt. Be prepared to flub-up and don't worry about it. It is all part of the process.
Riding is a discipline so remember that while your instructor is explaining something she or he is not intending to give you an opportunity to sit sloppily out of position and let your mind wander. Get your money's worth by listening. Parents should pay attention to the younger student's attitude in a lesson because if the student is not attentive, not only is the youngster not safe but the parent is buying an expensive pony ride. Sometimes it is better to put off riding lessons until the child has matured sufficiently to remain attentive throughout the lesson.
During the lesson whether it is private, semi-private, or a group lesson; whether you are experienced or not, and even if the student is a child, it is important that the student attempts to do what the instructor asks. Maybe it is not the way you have always done it. or maybe the instruction doesn't seem to make sense; if you understand the instruction and you see no safety reason not to, follow the instruction. The instructor needs your cooperation to get you where she or he is trying to go with the lesson. Kids are used to following instructions all day, adults, well, not so much.
After the lesson, as soon as possible, maybe in the car before you leave the stable, make notes. Did the review of the previous lesson go well? Were there any weaknesses? What was the subject of this day's lesson? What skills were involved; what sub-skills? Were you able to master them? What problem did you have? What do you need to think about for next time? If you ride your own horse what do you need to practice? You might even consider keeping a journal. If possible, clarify any questions you discover while making your notes with your instructor before leaving the barn. If the student is a child, this is a good activity for a parent after each lesson. Remember, be interested and supportive, and proud, not an interrogator.
Many adults are quick to be disappointed if progress is not perceived to come quickly. We live in an environment where overachieving is rewarded. We are taught that the harder we work, the better we do. If we just push harder we'll see more progress. This is not necessarily so with riding. Our bodies don't cooperate and the horse has not read the book. Usually the more you push the worse it gets. This can also be true for kids but remember, they take instruction all day long for nine months out of the year. A lesson is seldom as stressful as for child as for the adult professional who wants progress, lots of it, and now.

 the natural horseman
 clear communication/visible results

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Where are you looking when you ride?

Think about it just for a moment.  Are you looking up?  Ahead? Through your corners or down the trail?  Your horse's neck?

I often ask a student, "What are you looking at?" It surprises me when they are not able to answer. Or perhaps they realize they were looking at mane and just don't want to say.

A couple things are going on here, and none of them are in your favor.

To start with, the horse can actually FEEL where you are looking, or more accurately where your head is pointed.  So if you really tilt your head to check on that diagonal or lead, well, your horse knows it, he feels the weight shift of your head.  Ever try to stay balanced carrying something heavy that was not balanced?  It's hard.

Next we have the fact that since our body parts are all connected, when your head moves, your shoulders move, and then your hip slightly moves and then, TA DA....your seat bones!  This is why English riders like close contact saddles and pants that allow freedom of movement.

Try this:  Sit on the edge of a wooden chair. (it doesn't work if the surface is not hard).  Put your legs in a position as close to riding as you can, so make sure what you are sitting on isn't too low or too high.  If your legs are too far in front of you, you will not get the same effect.  Make sure you can feel your seat bones under you.  Wiggle around until you find them. On a wooden chair it might feel really hard to thin or small kids.  But then at least we know they found them!  Now sit up making sure your back is straight, still feeling your seat bones. Slowly turn your head to the left, and gently allow your left shoulder to move back with it.  You should be able to feel your seat bone shift slightly.  It is not a big movement but a very subtle one.  Turn your head the other direction and do the same thing.  Try this again, with your eyes closed.  Many times our sense of feel will increase when we take away visual distractions.

Staying in the chair in this position, try really arching your back and see what happens. Did your seat bones disappear?  Because now your crotch is where your seat bones should be and those seat bone have shot out behind you.  Go back to the original position and this time try sitting back more on your bum.  Did they disappear again?  Yep.  Now they are in front of where they should be.  

Now you know not only why the location of your head (and eyes) is important but how to fix your position so you are sitting correctly.

Happy Trails,

Team 20/20

new boarding website!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Woodstock Equestrian Park

I found out this park is about 12 miles from my barn!  It's like Turner, except it has 16 miles of trails. XC even has a water jump!

Woodstock Equestrian Park is located in the heart of the scenic Agricultural Reserve, just north of the historic town of Beallsville. The park features 872 acres of rolling farmland and forest, 16 miles of equestrian and hiking trails, three horse-friendly bridges, and two parking lots and entrances marked by monuments on each side of Route 28. 

The east side (entrance identifies “William Rickman Equestrian Center”) includes a 230x350 outdoor riding ring and a six acre beginner-novice cross country course including bank jumps and a water jump. Historic buildings pepper the grounds of Woodstock Equestrian Park. Seneca Stone Barn, which was stabilized by the Department in 2009, is remotely located on the west side of Route 28 near Wasche Road. The historic structures that make up Brewer Farm, located on the east side of Route 28, have been renovated and secured for equipment storage. 

The Woodstock arena, cross country course, and trails are open to the public from dawn to dusk every day. Unless otherwise permitted for exclusive feel free to use any or all of the features of the park. 

the natural horseman 
clear communication/visible results

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Flexibility with our horsemanship

Today Sarah and I had planned on taking Simba and Lily to school over jumps at Frying Pan.  We attempted to beat the storm.  Upon arrival the winds came in, a bit earlier than expected.  The ponies were a little unsure of all of the strange sounds inside of the indoor. At one point the bluestone warm up ring was blowing onto the metal side of the indoor-that was quite the sound!  Lily was only a tiny bit unsure with one or two baby sized shys. Simba was a little more concerned, however.  After walking them around  bit we did get on and allowed them plenty of time to walk and try to be calm.

During our warm up, Sarah and I agreed that although we had planned on doing a lot of jumping, we would canter, and maybe take a jump or two depending on how they did.

They were fantastic and we both ended up jumping several jumps.  However, we did not do what we expected to do.  We decided that it would be a better experience for the ponies if we had a few really nice jumps while they were calm, and end on a good note.

This is a perfect example of why we need to be flexible with the plans we make for ourselves and our horses.  Sure, we wanted to do more jumping-it's fun!  But with the weather conditions the way they were, it was NOT appropriate.  Plastic trash bags inside of cans were blowing, the doors were rattling, as were the gates. Stuff was hitting the side of the indoor.  Lily told me she thought there were white pony eating monsters trying to get in when she heard the big doors rattle.  That did, however, make Simba happy. :)

 the natural horseman
 clear communication/visible results

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Summer Camp 2014

Summer camp registration forms are now available ONLINE on our website!

There are 3 weeks available for adult campers only.

 the natural horseman
 clear communication/visible results

Thursday, February 20, 2014

My dream: becoming a veterinarian

A student of mine is writing a blog through her school.  I am not able to comment there directly, so I've copied her post here, so I can comment .



Posted: January 9, 2014

One dream that I have had all my life is to become a veterinarian. I have a feeling that I would be one of the people in this world who loves their job, and would not mind doing extra work if one of the vets is sick and needs someone to come in for them.

There are a couple reasons why being a vet is something that I really want to do: my love for animals, my interest in medicine, and my love for helping a living being. Even if I can make only a small difference, that would still matter. For example, if my friend’s cat was lost, I would try to help her find it, and hopefully we would.

I believe that veterinarians help not only animals but also humans. They keep our pets healthy and safe for us and by vaccinate them against all kinds of diseases that we could catch.

I had a guinea pig that lived for eight years (a very, very long time for a guinea pig) before she died from tumors in her belly. She had been too old to have surgery, so we could not do anything to help her. When I am a vet, there still may not be a cure for those kinds of tumors, but I am sure that there will be a way for guinea pigs like mine to have a chance to live longer.

My dream is to become a veterinarian. I know that I will work hard to fulfill that dream, and hope that everybody who has a dream will work hard to fulfill it, too.

From Loretta:
This student has been with me for several years.  She is one of the most caring and sensitive girls I have ever known. She is also determined and WILL become a vet one day.

Being a vet is a very rewarding career.  Helping animals and their humans is an amazing thing.  From pre purchase exams, dental cleanings, routine shots to lameness exams. It is all so very important, especially for out large equine friends. 

One way my vet has made a huge difference for me has been her compassion and empathy.  I will NEVER forget the painful moments when a beloved horse has to be laid to rest.  When the vet has to deliver such dreadful news it is hard, for everyone.  My vet would look at me with tears in her eyes, and I would just know.  Somehow the pain was lessened just a bit knowing it was that hard for her too.  Several of my students hope to be vets after college.  I will do everything I can to help them obtain their goals.


 the natural horseman
 clear communication/visible results

Friday, February 14, 2014

Snafflez' HorseMaker: Cross Country Colours for horse and rider

Snafflez' HorseMaker: Cross Country Colours for horse and rider:

Have fun on a snow day designing your favorite colors with your horse for a perfect eventing (or show jumping) outfit!

'via Blog this'


the natural horseman

clear communication/visible results

Friday, January 3, 2014

Good Pony award goes to....ASTRO!

Bringing in the horses tonight, the gate was being crowded by Blue and Fetti while I was attempting to take out Scottie and Astro.  I opened the gate, turned around, and then-well I'm not really sure what happened except that Astro ended up on the outside of the gate before I was ready.  I made the quick decision to hang on to Scottie's lead which meant Astro was free.  Scottie said, no, I can't come out, Astro is free and you need to catch him. I said, no, Scottie, it's ok, let's go and Astro will be fine.  I glanced up and Astro was walking along toward the barn, dragging along his lead rope. When he stepped on it he stopped and waited.  Scottie and I proceeded, Astro was about 15 ft in front of us, so I called to him and said, go on Stro, go in the barn and find your stall.  He hesitated for a moment but when he realized Scottie and I were coming behind him he meandered into the barn and yes, right into his stall.

Astro gets good pony of the year award!

 the natural horseman
 clear communication/visible results