Monday, April 18, 2011


I think it's possible that Scottie's previous refusals to move on the trail were behavioral in the way that I was not spending enough time with him, therefore he didn't really view me as leader.  When we went out with another horse that he did not know, he could not be sure they could lead either.  I've been spending more time with him plus he likes and respects Gem, so taking him out with her encouraged him. Fun ride with an awesome student.  em had a grand time splashing in the water, right near the edge as it was very swelled from all the rain.

Loretta the natural horseman clear communication/visible results

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring and summer help

Working Students and Interns
spring and summer help

Within the next month I am offering this opportunity for a few working students and interns.  Duties include but are not limited to:

helping prepare for beginner lessons
daily handling and ground training
turn in/out


  • Must be responsible
  • Must practice safe horsemanship
  • Must display mature decision making ability
  • Must have great desire to learn
  • Must NOT be afraid of hard work

  • Loretta is willing to teach you all about horsemanship:
  1. herd behavior
  2. body language 
  3. proper ground handling 
  4. natural horsemanship ground training
  5. MANY opportunities to observe the 7 horses in a natural environment
  6. learn to ride with a naturally, safe, secure seat
 Working students and interns will have many opportunities for schooling and trail riding, (based upon knowledge and experience) but will not be riding daily.  Please do not apply if your main goal is to ride.  This is a WHOLE Horsemanship program, not a riding program.  Please note: a working student and intern type relationship is a trade off.  It is NOT a paying position.  I will teach you my approach to horsemanship and you can ride in exchange for your services as described above.

Please email: to apply for a position.

Loretta the natural horseman clear communication/visible results
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Updates on Apollo

Ah, there is so much to say!  Not just about Apollo, although there is a whole lot on that category alone!

He is a really great pony and I will be forever grateful to my friend Katie for letting me know about him.  He is not only beautiful to look at, but fun to ride with a canter everyone LOVES!  

He and Gem are in love.  Yes, it was love at first site and it grows stronger every day. :O)

Apollo has been on 5 trail rides in the 5 weeks he's been here.  He is getting more and more comfortable and seems to truly enjoy them.  I rode him on the last 2, just yesterday and Friday.  He was very good.  Went walked over many logs, with some hesitation, but given his past, that is to be expected.  A couple of large logs he popped over, but that was ok too.  I just want him to be comfortable with me, trust me, and enjoy his job.  He has walked past large tractor trailers, dogs running out and barking at him, bikes coming up from behind him, a jogger and other horses.  In fact, that all happened in ONE ride!  I was very proud of him for not getting unglued.

Yesterday was his first ride out with his herd mate, Piero.  Piero is a great trail pony and a wonderful lead trail horse.  We took turns with Apollo being in front and he did an excellent job.  It was very interesting because after about 15 minutes, he got a little tense, lifted his head and started listening and blowing air.  When I allowed Piero in front, it all stopped.  I took that to mean that he had had his fill of being the leader, it was just too much work and he was not comfortable with it anymore.  I anticipate that as he gets to know and trust me he will be fine leading, but if not, that's ok too.

We were able to go into the river and Piero promptly went for a drink.  He began to splash and play, splashing with his hooves and his head.  It was a lot of fun watching his joy.  I had no idea what Apollo would do or if he'd ever even seen the river before.  Well, when Piero came out he went right for it, doing the same things.  He took a drink, put his head in, splashed with his head and then rather violently pawed and splash with each front leg taking turns.  He really wanted to go in deep and I was a little concerned.  He was not responding to my gently trying to coax him out.  For a moment I thought I would have to get down in the river to hand lead him out!  I am fairly certain he will swim when given the opportunity.  

He walked very calmly over at least 10 logs, no popping or jumping over them today.  We came across a really small branch a few inches off the ground while trotting, and he quietly trotted over it.  It was an improvement over the day before, so he clearly is learning!

And it gets even better......he did a flying lead change!  All she did was shift her weight and he did it automatically!

Loretta the natural horseman clear communication/visible results
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Friday, April 8, 2011

Rope Halters

There really is a 'right' way to tie them!

Amplify’d from
Rope Halters

Rope Halters have no buckles, no snaps, and no stitching. They are one continuous piece of strong rope. The rope ends up being doubled when complete, which makes it very strong. With no snaps or buckles to break, the rope halter is a great resource for tying a horse securely. The worst thing that can happen, is for a horse to pull and the halter, snap or buckle breaksand the horse gets loose. Not only can the horse get scared and hurt, but worse is the horse just learned that it can get free, it just learned that it can break halters, it just learned that it does not have to accept being tied. Bad lessons when you are teaching a horse to tie. You don't want the horse knowing it can get loose if it pulls.

Lots of people don't like rope halters since they have to be tied with a correct knot. It is easier to hook a buckle than learn to tie a proper knot. Tying a rope halter is simple and I have a few pictures to show it tied properly.

Notice that the finished tie will always have the end of the rope facing away from the eye. Some people tuck the extra hanging end of the rope halter or tie under the chin part of the halter. The pictures below show what the knot looks like when tied correctly.

Untying the Halter: It is important to tie the halter right so when under load it will hold and not slip. It is also important so you can untie the halter after a 1300 pound horse sits on the knot. I see some people using nails, screwdrivers or pliers to try and untie a rope halter. Don't do this. It tears the rope fibers and weakens your halter. It is also not needed. It the halter is tied corrected as in all my pictures, it will untie no matter how much weight is put on it. However you have to know the proper technique, which is really simple. To untie, just bend the top of the loop backwards and it will untie with ease. The loop I am referring to it the same loop that you put the lose end of the rope in, when you tie it. So bend the loop back onto itself and the knot will come lose. Remember, the knot has to be tied correctly for this to work. Notice on the photo on the left that the excess of the rope is tucked under the chin to keep it from flopping around and possibly hitting the horse in the eye or causing a spook.

Notice in the photos above the excess rope used to tie the halter is always pointing towards the back of the horse, away from the eye. This is quick check of making sure the halter is tied correctly. Also notice the excess rope is tucked into the throat latch area to keep it from flapping and hitting the horse.

BAD TIE: This is just one of the many WRONG ways to tie a rope halter. Once you learn the right way it is very easy to see if a halter is tied properly. So study the right way, you will see many examples of the wrong way if you look. An easy way to remember the right way is the tie, if right, is always below the loop and never on top, as in these knots, the tie is above the loop, incorrect. BOTH PHOTOS BELOW ARE INCORRECT "Wrong" TIE

See more at

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Newsletter

In This Issue

04-01-2011 08:59:00 AM
A big shout out to our newest Pony Pal members:  Marie-Claire and Kaitlin!  Remember their names because one day you'll  be watching them in the Olympics! New NSHP members:  Sadie, Brynn & KC!  Glad to have you ladies and looking forward to teaching you so many exciting things! Loretta  the natural horseman clear communication/visible results ...»
04-01-2011 08:56:00 AM
I own the video, Every Time, Every Ride. If you'd like to arrange a time to watch, please let me know.Amplify'd from By: Everyone has an excuse for not wearing a helmet when they ride: "I'm not going to jump; I'm just going for a trail ride; my horse is perfectly safe; I'm only going to let my horse stretch his legs for a few minutes; I'm not going to do anything dangerous." Now think back to the last time you came off your horse. Were you jumping a high fence on a stra nge horse after an hour of hard work? Probably not. You were more likely doing an activity you do every day with your horse and the unexpected occurred, something you never could have anticipated. That's why it's a good idea to wear a helmet every time you climb on a horse. You never know when and how an accident will occur. We work with our horses to minimize spooking, runaways and other dangerous situations. But we can't anticipate everything. And if we're challenging ourselves and our horses athletically, eventually we're likely to attempt something that will cause a fall. Fortunately, helmet manufacturers have been working to design better and safer helmets. So if you wear one and do fall, you're much more likely to avoid a head injury than ever before. That's important because, according to the American Medical Equine Association/Safe Riders Foundation, head injuries account for 20% of all equestrian injuries and 60% of fatalities occur from head injuries. The danger to your head in a fall isn't just the possibility of cracking your skull or sustaining a gash if your horse's hoof hits your head. A lot of head injuries are actually injuries to the brain. When you are moving and your head meets a solid object (usually the ground), your brain doesn't immediately stop its motion. It continues forward, often hitting the opposite side of your skull from where the impact occurred. Many of today's helmets conform to ASTM/SEI safety standards, meaning they have passed tests by the Safety Equipment Institute based on standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials. These tests are designed to emulate impacts that can occur in a fall from a horse. The helmets meeting these thresholds have an outside shell built to resist impact coupled with cushioning material inside the helmet to protect your skull and brain. These helmets also have sturdy straps bolted into the helmet so that once you secure the strap under your chin, they are unlikely to come off. It is important to wear the harness strap properly latched every time. If your helmet goes flying off your head before you hit the ground, it won't do you any good. Proper fit will also allow the helmet to do its job. Not only do you need to find the correct size, everyone's head has a different shape. The brand of helmet that fits your friend's head may not be right for you. The helmet should sit comfortably on your head, and when you hold your head still and rock the helmet, your scalp should move with it. 

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Work on the new arena began today.  I am very excited to be able to offer this additional riding space. 

Sundance was returned to his owner today.  He just didn't work out here and he'll be much happier with lots of grass to graze upon.  

Apollo is doing great and seems to be understanding his new job. He has a superb canter and we are all enjoying him immensely!  He is a terrific asset to the program.

Loretta Arey
20/20 Horsemanship


Fri. 4/8 @ 10am
Sat., 4/9 @ 9:30am
Sun. 4/10 @ 1:30pm
Wed. 4/13 @3pm

Please schedule these ASAP as spaces are filling quickly!

Welcome to new students!
And welcome BACK to others!
Welcome back to:


New students:


Pony Pals & Naturally Safe Horsemanship Program Updates

Congratulations to new Pony Pals members Marie Claire and Kaitlin!

These little ones are on their way to excelling in equestrian activities.

A big shout out to new NSHP members Sadie, Brynn & KC.   They'll be going on trail rides, going to a show at Turner Farm  and attending special classes for NSHP members.  

Housekeeping Review

Please review the Policies and Procedures.  Some previously unenforced policies are now being enforced.  It is your job to know the policies and barn rules.  I have hard copies, and you can find them on my blog and website also.

·        Payment is due at the time of the lesson or in advance.
·        There is a $30 fee for returned checks.
·        There is a $5 late fee applied weekly to unpaid lessons.
·        Lessons must be canceled within 48 hours of the lesson.
·        Lessons canceled by students in less than 48 hours are subject to regular fees.  I will do my best in filling the opening, however if it cannot be filled you are responsible for payment.
·        If you do not show up for a scheduled lesson the full price of the lesson is due.
·        Lessons are held unless the calendar shows it has been canceled.  DO NOT assume lessons are not on, for any reason.  ALWAYS check the calendar.  Please do not email asking about your lesson for that day.  CHECK THE CALENDAR.
·        Refunds for prepaid lessons are NOT given.
·        When at Frying Pan, you must check in with the office and pay their fee directly to them for use of the indoor arena.
·        If you are 15 or more minutes late for your lesson you will have a ground work lesson.
·        A 12 week session must be completed within 15 weeks.  Makeup classes for each level are available weekly.
·        Please provide written notice of extended absences.
·        If you email me on a Sat. or Sun. I will NOT see it until Monday.
·        Students may not cancel lessons because of weather.  I will make that decision.  MOST of the time I have different weather here.  In the case of snow, of course I take into consideration where you are coming from.
·        I have a waiting list for weekend lessons.  PLEASE cancel within 48 hours of your time so I can fill the opening. If I cannot fill it, you WILL be charged.
  • If you are late to class, your session still ends at its original end time.  For example: your lesson begins at 4pm. You arrive at 4:10 and are ready to begin at 4:15pm.  Your lesson STILL ends at 5pm.  I have less than 12 minutes time between lessons on weekends.  With 9 students on Saturdays AND Sundays it is not fair to the others to push everything back because of tardiness.  I realize there is traffic, etc...but please do your best to leave in time for the expected DC area traffic jams.

Please understand that as my business has grown, so has my list of policies, procedures and barn rules.  Things are much different when dealing with 40+ students and families each week as opposed to a handful of them.  In order for things to run smoothly and to give my students the best learning experience I require everyone to follow these procedures.  

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Long Time Customers

I would just like to take a moment and thank some of my customers, who I can gratefully call friends, that have been here since the beginning.

The Taylors.  The Taylors contacted me from their home in NY in preparation for their move to VA.  My life has truly been blessed from knowing them and working with their daughter, Brynn.

Michelle Moss.  Michelle actually rode Stryker in that short window of time between his purchase and his injury.  She got married and is now buying her first home.  I enjoy her immensely and it is very rewarding watching her evolve into a confident horsewoman.

The Larges.  AnnMarie is the official student, however I feel I have gotten to know them all.  Her dad is patiently awaiting Stryker's full recovery so he can ride him.  Her mom was a former student at the infamous Jane Dillard's school of equitation in Vienna.

Recognizing Hard Work

Alyssa.  Alyssa has not been here quite as long as the students mentioned before, however I do need to recognize her.  She came to be interested in Astro and decided to help me with his training.  One day each week she diligently did ground work with him.  She CHOSE not to ride, but to work with him on what he needed.  Over the last 8 months he has gone from a pony that jumped when a brush touched a hind leg, to being back under saddle.  Alyssa has learned that there is a balance in training and that timing is very important. Especially in knowing when to stop. Last week he did so well we took him in the front.  After hand walking around both directions she rode him and even trotted.  They walked, then trotted over a pole. Just yesterday they did so well together that they worked up to trotting over a pole a few inches off of the ground.  He landed and cantered a few (uneventful) strides and the next time he even jumped rather than trotted over the pole.  The smile on Alyssa's face must have been a mile wide, she could've lit the entire planet.  In her words, "Hard work and patience really do pay off."  Did I mention this girl is 10?  What a wonderful up and coming horsewoman. 

This is why I do what I do.

Loretta the natural horseman clear communication/visible results

Friday, April 1, 2011

Riding Programs

A big shout out to our newest Pony Pal members:  Marie-Claire and Kaitlin!  Remember their names because one day you'll  be watching them in the Olympics!

New NSHP members:  Sadie, Brynn & KC!  Glad to have you ladies and looking forward to teaching you so many exciting things!

 the natural horseman
clear communication/visible results

More on helmets....

I own the video, Every Time, Every Ride. If you'd like to arrange a time to watch, please let me know.
Amplify’d from


Everyone has an excuse for not wearing a helmet when they ride: "I'm not going to jump; I'm just going for a trail ride; my horse is perfectly safe; I'm only going to let my horse stretch his legs for a few minutes; I'm not going to do anything dangerous."

Now think back to the last time you came off your horse. Were you jumping a high fence on a stra
nge horse after an hour of hard work? Probably not. You were more likely doing an activity you do every day with your horse and the unexpected occurred, something you never could have anticipated.

That's why it's a good idea to wear a helmet every time you climb on a horse. You never know when and how an accident will occur. We work with our horses to minimize spooking, runaways and other dangerous situations. But we can't anticipate everything. And if we're challenging ourselves and our horses athletically, eventually we're likely to attempt something that will cause a fall.

Fortunately, helmet manufacturers have been working to design better and safer helmets. So if you wear one and do fall, you're much more likely to avoid a head injury than ever before. That's important because, according to the American Medical Equine Association/Safe Riders Foundation, head injuries account for 20% of all equestrian injuries and 60% of fatalities occur from head injuries.

The danger to your head in a fall isn't just the possibility of cracking your skull or sustaining a gash if your horse's hoof hits your head. A lot of head injuries are actually injuries to the brain. When you are moving and your head meets a solid object (usually the ground), your brain doesn't immediately stop its motion. It continues forward, often hitting the opposite side of your skull from where the impact occurred.

Many of today's helmets conform to ASTM/SEI safety standards, meaning they have passed tests by the Safety Equipment Institute based on standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials. These tests are designed to emulate impacts that can occur in a fall from a horse. The helmets meeting these thresholds have an outside shell built to resist impact coupled with cushioning material inside the helmet to protect your skull and brain.

These helmets also have sturdy straps bolted into the helmet so that once you secure the strap under your chin, they are unlikely to come off. It is important to wear the harness strap properly latched every time. If your helmet goes flying off your head before you hit the ground, it won't do you any good.

Proper fit will also allow the helmet to do its job. Not only do you need to find the correct size, everyone's head has a different shape. The brand of helmet that fits your friend's head may not be right for you. The helmet should sit comfortably on your head, and when you hold your head still and rock the helmet, your scalp should move with it. If your head is in between sizes, you can replace the pads inside the helmet with the thicker or thinner pads that the manufacturer often provides. Be sure that the harness strap fits under your chin snugly yet comfortably. If you have long hair, fasten it at the nape of the neck instead of trying to put the hair up under the helmet.

Many equestrian organizations and some states now have rules or laws in place that require wearing helmets when riding, especially for children. Groups such as the U.S. Equestrian Federation and many states' 4-H organizations will prohibit a rider from competing in events where a helmet is required unless the rider has one that meets or exceeds ASTM/SEI standards.

In an effort to encourage equestrians to use a helmet, the Washington State University Cooperative Extension and Washington State 4-H Foundation have produced a 20-minute video narrated by William Shatner called "Every Time…Every Ride." It blends interviews with video of horses in many sports, showing the benefits of wearing a proper helmet and the consequences of riding without one. The video notes that it's the height that puts a rider at risk, and points out that an unprotected head can receive more than 1,000 g's of force in any fall at any speed.

So strap on that helmet no matter what activity you plan with your horse today. It only takes a minute, and it could save your life.

Helmet Hints

Choose a helmet that meets or exceeds ASTM/SEI safety standards.

Always fasten the harness strap.

Be sure the helmet fits properly, so that when you rock it, your scalp moves with the helmet.

Fasten long hair at the nape of the neck instead of putting it up under the helmet.

If the helmet is involved in a fall, either replace it or have it inspected to ensure that it still has its protective qualities.

Helmet Facts

Between 12 to 15 million persons in the United States ride a horse or pony every year.

Approximately 20% of horse-related injuries occur on the ground and not riding.

Most riding injuries occur during pleasure riding.

Head injuries are the most common reason among riders for admission to the hospital or death.

A fall from two feet can cause permanent brain damage. A horse elevates a rider eight feet or more above ground.

A human skull can be shattered by an impact of 7-10 kph. Horses can gallop at 65 kph.

According to the National Electronic Surveillance System figures,the most likely ages for injury is 5-14 and 25-44 years with each decade having about 20% of the injuries.

A rider who has one head injury has a 40% chance of suffering a second head injury. Children,

teens and young adults are most vulnerable to sudden death from second

impact syndrome: severe brain swelling as a result of suffering a second head injury before recovery from the first head injury.

Death is not the only serious outcome of unprotected head injuries. Those who survive with brain injury may suffer epilepsy, intellectual and memory impairment, and personality changes.

Hospital costs for an acute head injury can be in the range of $25,000 per day. Lifetime

extended care costs may easily exceed $3 million. There is no funding for rehabilitation outside the medical setting.

Helmets work.

Most deaths from head injury can be prevented by wearing ASTM (American

Society for Testing Materials), SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) approved helmets that fit correctly and have the harness firmly applied.

Other types of helmets, including bike helmets, are inadequate.

Racing organizations require helmets and as a result, jockeys now suffer fewer head injuries than pleasure riders. The U.S. Pony Clubs lowered its head injury rate 29% with mandatory helmet use. Britain's hospital admission rate for equestrians fell 46% after helmet design improved and they came into routine use.


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