Monday, February 14, 2011

The Contract

The Contract

Monday, February 14, 2011 by Garrett Ford

He took two deep belly breaths as his legs folded underneath him. I softened the blow of his head and gently cradled it to the ground. As my tears started I slowly closed his eye and envisioned galloping hooves and open pastures.


Kasper (AKA Goost) didn’t come in to eat with the other geldings. Goost was out in the trees and wouldn’t move. I suspected the worst and a quick visit from the vet confirmed my first impression. Goost had broken his right humerorus.

The four year-old gelding was full of potential. At 16 hands he was all legs and heart. I had the opportunity to ride him on one occasion and now can only dream of the hoof prints I thought he would fill.

Goost 2

When we take ownership of an animal we sign a contract with them. A contract for proper care, attention and helping each go to the next place in the most respectful way possible. Our relationship started in November, I've yet to have a contract completed so quickly.

I wish we would have had more time.  Rest in peace my friend.

Garrett Ford


President & CEO

I have been President and CEO of EasyCare since 1993. My first area of focus for the company is in product development, and my goal is to design the perfect hoof boot for the barefoot horse.