Gem says to Scottie between munches, "you really need to lighten up on her a bit."
Scottie: "What? What are you talking about?"
Gem: "Come on now. You know what I'm talking about. You know I was watching you the other day. There's really no reason at all for you to act like that."
Scottie:"UMPFFF. Did you see what she did??!! How can I trust her?!"
Gem: "That's just an excuse and you know it. You have absolutely no reason not to trust her completely. And you know it. It's been what, 5 years now you've been here?
Scottie: "Yeah. Well. So what. How do you know we can trust her so much. You've only been here a short time."
Gem: "Well first, she's had me for a year now. Second, I can just tell. Just look at how she looks at you. She loves you more than anything. She will do anything for you. She just wants you to be happy and healthy and to love her."
Scottie: "So then why'd she stick me with that sharp thing?"
Gem: deep sigh. "Because it helps your allergies. You know how you get all itchy? Well, it helps you not to be so itchy. See, she loves you. Really. How many people give their horse allergy shots??? It's because she loves you."
Gem contuining: "I think you need to grow up and act your age a bit. Things are wonderful here. You have everything ANY horse could desire and more. And that unconditional love she has for you. It is pretty big considering she still loves you after that display the other day. You know, you can look pretty scary when you do that. I recommend you NEVER do that again. I think she went in the house to cry. She was very sad. She deserves more than that from you."
Scottie: "So, how come you're so smart?"
Gem: smiling. "I'm getting to be an old horse now, my boy. I've been around and seen a thing or two. I've seen horses that aren't loved or cared for. I know what love looks and feels like. I know how to trust. Did you see the other day when I was lying down and I let her climb on me and lay on me? I knew how happy that would make her, she told me. And I wasn't worried she was going to do something mean. She just wanted to lay down on me. And I trust her and know she loves me too. Oh and don't forget I am a mother, so I've had to teach my foals all of these things.
I had a lot of pain and she fixed it for me. I am very grateful for that. I will always try to please her. That is what a good horse does."
Scottie: "Well, I want to be a good horse too. But sometimes I am just frightened and do not really know why. Do you (pause) you think you could (pause) help me?"
Gem: "Yes Scottie. I will help in any way I can."
to be continued........
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