Read more at www.wired.comSkijoring: The Awesome Marriage of Skiing and Horseback Riding
Eye of the Hawk
As anyone who has schussed through freshly fallen snow, traditional winter sports like skiing and snowboarding can be addictive fun, but why not kick it up a notch with some third-party propulsion?
Enter skijoring, a maddeningly simple hack on snow sport staples. Essentially, a person on skis is pulled through a predetermined course of jumps and slalom-like gates by something else — a horse, team of dogs, snowmobile, almost anything. In practice, though, it is almost always a horse.
Above (photo): Phillip Driggars and Janae Lukezech (atop Hawk) were the sole snowboarder/equestrian team at the Sandpoint Winter Carnival's skijoring competition
in Sandpoint, Idaho. "It's awesome that they will let snowboarders compete in the event also," said Driggars, who competed both days at the town's inaugural event. He was disqualified in his first two runs because he fell and let go of the rope, but he was eventually able to hold on and register an official time of 17.22 seconds. "During practice, it was a lot tougher than I thought it would be," he admitted.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Horses and skiing?
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