Hmmmm, sounds like someone I know. Also sounds like some hyper sensitive people. Interesting. It is common to hear talk of people like this. Sometimes they have ADD/ADHD or are Autistic. So why is it that people tend to lump horses into one big category and expect them all to behave the same? (i.e. properly).
Amplify’d from
What we have learned from working with owners with challengingRead more at
horses is that some horses, no matter how good the training, breeding,
care and equipment, just cannot handle much pressure. These horses are
typically extremely gifted and talented athletes but anxiety and
excitability get in the way of a winning performance.
They are over-sensitive to their surroundings, your show nerves, your tension,
weather, other name it, they see it, feel it, hear it,
have to look at it and worry about it! These horses require finesse
on the riders part and a great deal of patience and stamina.
These horses often require an absurd amount of warm up time and can be very
complex to show. They run on adrenaline most of the time and fatiguing
them is our only option at a show.
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