Friday, March 26, 2010


Meet Gemstone
Lauren & Gemmy
Some of you have heard of Gemstone.  While I was horse hunting I looked at her and almost purchased her.  Then I received a last minute note from Stryker's previous owner and decided on him instead.  Stryker had been a lesson horse and knew the routine.  Gemstone was great, but she'd not been worked really at all in the past year and had never done lessons.  So I purchased Stryker.  Gemmy's owner asked if I'd  help sell her and I agreed.  5 months later they had no luck with selling her.  They are not well and can not ride, and they also wished for Gemmy to have a loving family with children around.  So they offered to give her to us.  I have my hands full & couldn't take on another horse but really wanted to help.  My dear friend, Cara, said we could keep her at her barn (with the ring) and that she would help me. 

Gemstone is a sweetheart.  She is 17 years old and is an Appaloosa mixed with Plantation Walker and Andalusian (think Royal Lippizaner).  She greats us at the gate and follows us around.  We can completely groom her from head to toe and tack her up, in the field, without tying her.  Sweet!  My daughter and I have both ridden her.  She is a little unsure of how she feels about getting back to work (after a year off can't say I blame her!)  She is quite responsive to the aids and has a canter to die for.

(Notice that Lauren's shoulder/elbow/hip/heel are in almost perfect alignment.)


the natural horseman
clear communication/visible results