Monday, March 16, 2009

Reading before riding lessons

I am a very visual learner. About 16 years ago I started taking riding lessons at a lesson barn again. The advanced flat class was before mine, so I would go early to watch the lesson. My riding improved dramatically just by going to observe these better riders every week. Then my instructor recommended a book, Centered Riding, by Sally Swift. I got it, read it from cover to cover and again noticed an improvement in my riding. I began to realize I was very visual.

I happened to run across this book on the Internet and think it is a great idea.
Click Here!
I would not suggest substituting the book for instruction, however I believe it would serve a good purpose. Especially for those getting back in the saddle after a period of time, or first timers. Some folks just have NO idea what they are getting into with lessons. I had a little girl come for a lesson with rubber rain boots on so big they were falling off of her! I thought I had specified hard soled boots with a heel, but I guess maybe the message wasn't clear enough. Perhaps the information in this book Click Here!
would've mad eit clearer to the parent.

I just thought I'd share those thoughts with you and forward on the resource!

Happy Trails,


the natural horseman
clear communication/visible results