Monday, February 4, 2013

"How did you stay on??"

My 12 yr old student who had just ridden Stryker commented after he bucked.  "Miss Loretta how did you stay on while he did that?"   I told her that the method of riding I teach teaches a safe, secure, seat. By learning to keep your leg under you AT ALL TIMES many falls can be omitted. Not all, but many.  My upper body did go forward when he bucked. But my legs stayed under me. Had they swung back I would've been over his head or shoulder in a heartbeat.

The other thing is reaction time. As soon as I felt what was happening I pushed myself back upright so more weight could be in the seat.  It takes a lot of years to be able to do that, and unfortunately some falls along the way. Sometimes we learn the hard way, by our mistakes. I have been thrown off by a buck or two in my time. 

For the record, Stryker was not trying to ditch me. He was very happy to be cantering. Everyone was commenting on how happy and excited he looked before he bucked. I think he was thrilled to be doing something.  Since the herd changes at the barn, he's been living in the paddock with the ponies, not in the field.  So he does not have nearly as much space to roam in.

 the natural horseman
 clear communication/visible results